Red Belt


Know all terminology from white belt to red belt


Candidates will demonstrate techniques in sets of (4), using pattern administered by the test board. Example: block-attack-block-attack


Know all from white belt to now


Know and be able to elaborate on (5) prominent names in martial arts (see below)


Know and be able to elaborate on (5) prominent styles of martial arts (see below)


Perform required self-defense that was learned at white belt

Present (8) pre-determined close quarter self-defense techniques

Be able to extricate yourself from holds administered by the test board 


Answer any and all questions posed by the test board


Perform and recite meanings of all forms from Chon-Ji through Hwa-Rang

Be able to recognize any (3) movements from the form Hwa-Rang and Chung-Mu. Movements will be performed by members of test board.

  • Chon-Ji — (19 movements, 2 kihaps) – Heaven and Earth
  • Tan-Gun — (21 movements, 3 kihaps) – The legendary founder of Korea in 2333 B.C.
  • To San — (24 movements, 3 kihaps) – Named after Master Ahn Chung Ho, a great patriot and educator of Korea.
  • Won-Hyo — (28 movements, 3 kihaps) – named for the monk who introduced Buddhism to the Silla Dynasty in 686 A.D.
  • Yul-Kok — (38 movements, 3 kihaps) – known as the “Confucius of Korea.” The 38 movements of this pattern represent the 38th degree latitude of his birthplace. The diagram of this pattern represents scholar.
  • Chung-Gun — (32 movements, 3 kihaps) – named after master Ahn Chung Gun who assassinated the first Japanese overlord of Korea. The 32 movements represent the age he was executed in prison.
  • Toi-Gye — (37 movements, 3 kihaps) – was an authority on Neo-Confucianism. The 37 movements represent the 37th degree latitude of his birthplace.
  • Hwa-Rang — (29 movements, 3 kihaps) – named after the 120 warriors that went to the mountains of Silla to refine the techniques of Tae-Kwon-Do, Then known as Taekyon. The Hwarang youth group became the driving force for the unification of the 3 kingdoms of Korea. The 29 movements refer to the 29th infantry division where Tae-Kwon-Do developed into maturity. 


Spar as a red belt






ISSHIN-RYU An Okinawan style known as the “One Heart Method” and symbolized by the half woman-half serpent. It is a combination of Goju-Ryu and Shorin-Ryu
SHOTOKAN The most popular style of Japanese Karate. It is symbolized by the tiger.
JUDO A Japanese style known as the “Gentle Way” or the art of throwing
GOJU-RYU Japan’s second most popular style, which has Chinese and Okinawan influence
IAIDO A Japanese style known as the “Art of the Flashing Blade” in which the actual Katana (Samurai sword) is used
KENDO A Japanese style known as the “Way of the Sword” in which the Shinai (Bamboo Staff) is used.
HAPKIDO A Korean style that encompasses the techniques of Taekwondo, plus various locks, holds, and throws
SHITO-RYU A Japanese style that includes various weapons techniques
AIKIDO A Japanese style that encompasses only circular movements
TANG SOO DO A Korean style that is the second stage of Taekwondo
SHORIN-RYU An Okinawan style that is characterized by hard and soft, slow and fast movements
JIU-JITSU A Japanese style that consists of various locks, holds, throws, and pressure points
JEET KUNE DO Consists of various martial arts styles and is known as the “Way of the Intercepting Fist”
SUMO A stylized form of Japanese wrestling
KUNG-FU (WU SHU) All Chinese martial arts. This includes such styles as CHOY-LI FUT, HOP GAR, SIL-LUM, FU JOW PAI, TAI CHI CHUAN
NINJUTSU A Japanese style that consists of various techniques of espionage and other martial arts
KYUDO Japanese archery
SAVATE A form of French foot fighting
KUK SOOL WON A style that combines karate-type kicks with Judo-like throws
KEMPO A style with Japanese, Chinese, and Okinawan influence that is characterized by the fact that all students wear black uniforms
JODO The Japanese art of stick fighting, in which the jo is used. The jo is approximately 4 feet long
KYOKUSHINKAI A combination of smooth circular Chinese movements and strong Japanese karate movements. Strong emphasis is placed on breaking
SHOREI-RYU An Okinawan style based on movements of the crane, snake, tiger, and leopard
UECHI-RYU An Okinawan style that emphasizes strong body conditioning so that the body can withstand kicks and punches. This style is characterized by straight line movements.
TAI CHI Soft and flowing form of martial arts exercise






TATSUO SHIMABUKU Founder of Isshin-Ryu
JINSUKE HAYASHIZAKI Founder of modern Iaido
CHONJUN MIYAGI Founder of Okinawan Goju-Ryu
GOGEN YAMAGUCHI Founder of Japanese Goju-Ryu
BODHIHARMA Founder of Shaelin Fung-Fu and also founder of martial arts as it is practiced in a stylized form
JIGARO KANO Founder of Judo
FUMIO DEMURA The foremost weapons expert in the United States
MATSUTATSU OYAMA Founder of Kyokushinkai. He introduced the first actual Karate demonstration
GICHEN FUNAKOSHI Founder of Shotokan
KANBUM UECHI Founder of Uechi-Ryu
KENWA MABUNI Founder of Shito-Ryu
IN HYUK SU Founder of Kuk Sool Won
LAO TZU Chinese scholar and founder Taoism
AARON BANKS Outstanding exponent to Goju-Ryu and promotor of the Oriental World of self defense
ROBERT TRIAS Founder of the United States Karate Association (USKA)
UN YOUNG KIM Former President of the World Taekwondo Federation
GRANDMASTER MASAAKI HATSUMI 34th Grandmaster of the Togakure Ninjutsu-Ryu
MASTER CHOI HONG HI The founder and late President of the International Taekwondo Federation
ED PARKER Father of American Kempo and early practitioner of Karate in the United States
BRUCE LEE Founder of Jeet Kune Do, who changed the mood of martial arts in the United States in the early 1970s
MIYAMOTO MUSASHI Celebrated as Japan’s greatest swordsman and also author of the Book of Five Rings
GRANDMASTER JOOHN RHEE Father of American Taekwondo
HIRONORI OHTSUKA Founder of Wado-Ryu
MASATOSHI NAKAYAMA An outstanding Shotokan stylist and former chief instructor of the Japanese Karate Association (JKA)
MOREHEI UYESHIBA Founder of Aikido


Printable version:RED BELT STUDY SHEET

Last Modified on March 25, 2022
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